@Huddo606 Collaboration
The @Huddo606 collaboration features two common NFTs: one greyscale piece of art and a minimalist “utility swatch”. Blend them to form a full color version. Blend all three to redeam a limited edition glimmering black version.
@Huddo606 Collaboration
Learn more about @Huddo606 and their amazing piece featured in this collaboration.
Please introduce yourself to our readers:
Hey im Huddo from NSW Australia. Creating art for the artbyhuddo21 range, family man with a wife and 3 kids.
What was the inspiration for this piece?
The inspiration from this piece was a really peaceful sky that later afternoon. I have been enjoying drawing cities from different perspectives
How long have you been creating in the digital realm?
I have been creating for about 11 months in the digital space and it’s been 20 years since I just took the time to sit and draw.
Can you tell us about your workflow (what equipment and software do you use to create)?
I use mostly pro create on my iPad (when the kids don’t have it 😉 ) As far as processes I’m still learning all of that. I’m really new to drawing and just having fun with it and doing lots of drawing time with my kids.
Who are your artistic influences?
I have so many influences with art. A massive influence isn’t even in the digital space yet, Mitch Revs here in Australia, his art is fun & colourful. But I love so many wax artists and their work.
Where can we find you online?
You can find my work on nefty and atomic hub and links to both of those here:
- Atomic Hub
- Nefty